4 Dec 2012

My lovely girl!

This is my lovely girl Lisa! I love her so much! She's the first person I met to have been on a natural hair journey, completed dedicated and excited for it! We work at the same place and we ended up recognising that we are both on a journey. She's currently on her 8th month and her hair is amazing! It feels good to know you have someone that you can share your hair experiences with, ask questions, hair shop together and share advice with! It makes it even more exciting because she is natural while I am relaxed, kind of like a fitting puzzle. We text each other everytime regarding our hair stuff and she's the first to notice my growth!

Back to using shea butter! She helped me with my solidcold shea butter by placing it on the heater. Remember my past shea butter post? Well, I whipped up a shea butter cream, however it had kinda flopped because it was solid. I attempted to rub it on my hair (in its solid form) and my hair cut off. So I completely stopped it and put it aside! But, where would I be without my Lisa? She told me I just needed to rub it between my hands until it transformed into a oily substance before rubbing it into my hair. Thank you lisa! :D I rubbed the shea butter in my hair and it felt really good. She sold form had been in a cup for many weeks now, but I finally made use of it tonight. I shall be using it as my pre-sleep moisturiser before wrapping silk.

My natural hair buddy <3 FOLLOW HER TUMBLR

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